Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Final post by us

This is the last JUA post of the class of 2009, We thought the our JUA trip was very successful, and we feel that we have learned alot in the 2 days that we were there. Our essential question was "Is the truth manufactured" and our sources like NPR radio station, NECN, and MIT, gave us good information about this subject. We believe that the truth is manufactured. The people working at the stations were honest, very nice, and good to work with. They do their jobs very well, and put meaning into the programs that they do. We believe the truth is manufactured.

Our video is composed of three parts. Our trip to MIT, the trip to NECN, and the trip, and the magazine interviews that were of ourselves. We took parts of the videos we made and turned those parts into a video documentary project. We think it is a very good video.